
Sep. 2, 2011

Since then...

…I can’t help but picture La Roux’s “In for the kill” in a literal sense, Dexter-ish style, but really full of gore, severed body parts, chopped pieces of meat, rivers of blood, sparkly knives, and Diablo’s The Butcher screaming AHHHH, FRESH MEAT! It brings me to a state of innermost rage not many things are capable of.

May. 25, 2009

A Disk Read Error Occurred

“A Disk Read Error Occurred. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart” One fine day, just like that, it gives me no other option. After selecting Vista on GRUB menu, I’m confronted with that message on a black screen. Googleing for a solution I see several people damning the hard drive dead. I could not accept declaring it dead just yet. So I found other comments with different ways around this problem. One of them talked about how the partition boot table could be the issue and instructed on using a rescue console command called “fixmbr”.

Mar. 18, 2009

Lying wasting time; Wasting time lying

These are amusing links about how one lies to oneself. So much about that “the truth will set you free” bullshit we’ve been hearing all our lives. Where does that come from, anyway? The truth will NOT set you free. It can lift a bit of the weight of mundanities off your shoulders, but it will add on twice that weight in other things. The overwhelming innards of the universe, for one…

Nov. 26, 2008


Overall I feel the same, but am severely changed.

Oct. 13, 2008


Whenever I’m moving forward, there comes [element] and pwns me - fubars me completely (I’m fucked up beyond all recognition), usually emotionally. The element of pwnage can be anything: a word, a sentence, a look, a turn in weather, a page unwritten, a poem unmeasured, a grudge I hold all beyond eternity, people suffering - and WAY too many people being born! … I mean, just about anything and everything is waiting to fuck me from behind!

Sep. 2, 2006

mamãe viu teresa morta já sem unhas nos...

a galáxia inteira perdeu o sentido. nos.. o quê? dedos? ouvidos? calcanhares? cotovelos? oficialmente pode não ser mais, mas os pés de plutão continuarão a me chocar pela eternidade. afinal, dona maricélia, isso não é coisa que se diga a crianças de 8 anos de idade assim do oco, do espaço, do buraco negro, ou do nada, até! principalmente para uma criança com imaginação…

Jun. 30, 2005

extra! extra! pessoas transgênicas participam de parada gay!

de ontem (terça-feira): hoje presenciei algo que me fez perder totalmente o respeito pelo meu professor de metodologia. fui fazer segunda chamada da provinha dele e ele me colocou na sala do curso de direito onde daria uma aula de sociologia. depois de eu ter acabado a prova, fiquei na aula prestando atenção ao que ele estava dizendo por alguns minutos, para fazer hora até o horário do ônibus de volta pra casa.

Oct. 24, 2004

assim falou o tapado do presidente

“I hear these rumors on the.. uh, internets”